13 Oct

Structuring feedback

“We believe we do a better job at giving feedback than we really do.” – Rick Maurer

How many times have you given someone feedback and felt afterwards that it could have gone better?

This happens to all of us and it’s important to reflect on what could have been done differently. Chances are that your feedback may have been more effective by being more structured.

Receiving feedback – especially developmental feedback – can be a confronting situation and the clearer you can be in delivering your message to the recipient, the easier it is for them to understand what you are telling them. Well prepared and structured feedback will help minimise the mistakes of talking too much, not being specific and not explaining the impact of their actions.

There are many different models people use to structure their feedback. One effective model is ‘STAR’, which can also be used in interviewing. The model provides a framework to keep your feedback succinct, clear and relevant.

S/T = Situation or Task;

A = Action;

R = Result/s.

If you are providing developmental feedback, it’s also useful to be able to outline an Alternative Action (AA)and an Alternative Result (AR).

So how will STAR help?

Using the STAR framework will help you prepare and deliver a clear and focussed message. Ultimately this will enable you to  feel confident in delivery and help the recipient to understand the value of what you are attempting to communicate.

How many times have you received feedback that was unclear or not specific? “Great presentation Sally!” provides little value to Sally beyond the initial flush of pride at a positive comment. More benefit could be gained by telling Sally what you thought she did well.

In a similar fashion, “You are always late to meetings!” might initially indicate there is concern, but the recipient of this ‘feedback’ would perhaps be more likely to change their behaviour if they could see the impact or result of being late.

Here are two examples:

“Geoffrey, that was a wonderful presentation for the Directors today. When you presented your proposal (S/T) you spoke clearly, highlighted your points with relevant examples – such as the Solicitor’s Forum – and answered questions confidently (A). The Directors were clear on the recommendations you were making and they were able to make a speedy and informed decision (R).”

“Jane, thank you for presenting today. When you presented the slide outlining your proposal for the Directors (S/T) we noticed that there were some errors in the calculations – for example, with Case Number Two the totals did not match the figures given by Finance yesterday (A). As a result, the Directors were not confident in the information provided and so they have delayed their decision (R). For your next presentation, it would be useful to have the figures checked by Finance in advance (AA) and then it will assist with a smooth process for the decision makers (AR).”

Those receiving the feedback above should receive a clear message outlining their actions and the resultant impact/s. Of course, there are other factors that will determine whether they agree with and wish to act on the feedback, but hopefully they will understand what is being said!

Once you have used the STAR model a few times, you will find that it becomes easier to use and should enhance your confidence in delivering effective and valuable feedback.

So be effective and be structured!

engagingPOTENTIAL: training, team development, coaching

Specialising in working with managers to develop extraordinary teams!

05 Oct

Giving feedback

“Feedback is information about past behaviour, given in the present, with the hope of influencing future behaviour.” – C & E Seashore & GM Weinberg

Ever since we started communicating, there has been feedback! Even before speech, a facial expression or action could be used to indicate what you thought of someone or something. Today we are a little more sophisticated in giving feedback – hopefully!

At work, feedback can be used as an opportunity to learn and grow professionally. It can help build skills, confidence and competency. Given well, feedback can improve working relationships, increase performance and contribute to job satisfaction.

Feedback is important – both positive and developmental. Positive feedback is often neglected as people believe it’s not as important as developmental feedback. It could actually be more important! Leveraging strengths and reinforcing positive actions can create a productive and motivated work  environment. Think about last time you received feedback about a job well done – how did you feel?

Developmental feedback can be an effective way to assist others to learn new skills, to help resolve misunderstanding and conflict in the workplace and to reinforce performance expectations. Believe it or not, in many cases it can also motivate!

But what do we need to focus on to do it well?

Often our biggest mistake is giving non-specific feedback – e.g. “Great presentation!”. Whilst this might seem like good feedback, it is not feedback given well. Feedback should be specific and behaviour related – “Great presentation! You had a very clear agenda, you delivered your message succinctly and were able to expand on points when required.”

Next time someone gives you feedback like “Great job!” ask them “What was it that I did well?” It might seem strange at first and some will hesitate, however in most cases it will provide you with specific information to use for ongoing success.

Being specific and behaviour focussed is perhaps even more important for developmental feedback. If someone is given feedback like “You had a bad attitude today” or “You talk too much in our team meetings” it may be difficult for them to take anything from this to learn and develop. It could also make them upset, confused or defensive.

To help with giving others feedback, there are some basic tips – they might seem obvious, but do you do these things?

  • Where possible, plan the feedback, so you give it clearly and effectively
  • Be timely and at a good time – give feedback soon after the situation to ensure it is fresh in memory for the receiver; but balance this with an appropriate time – not when someone is upset or running for a meeting
  • Be specific and focus on behaviours and impact, preferably with examples – “When you did X, the effect was Y…”
  • Base feedback on observations, not assumptions – never assume what someone was thinking, feeling or trying to achieve
  • Make it relevant – will giving feedback help this person in their job or their interactions at work? If the only reason you are giving the feedback is because something they do annoys you, don’t give it!
  • Keep to the point and don’t dilute – don’t try to ‘soften the blow’ by over emphasising something they do well when giving developmental feedback. You can use other examples or situations to add perspective (e.g. “Your last three presentations were very clear and effective, however this one had less impact due to...”) but make sure the feedback is still clear

Spending some time thinking about how to provide feedback will definitely help you communicate more effectively and hopefully will allow the receiver to understand and use the information.

(next blog will outline a model for structuring your feedback…)

engagingPOTENTIAL: training, team development, coaching

Specialising in working with managers to develop extraordinary teams!